Aigu Om! 2024

Japan special

July 19 11.00-12.00

 Rõuge Kunstikuur

Music workshop/concert for children


In the music workshop, Mari Kalkun shares her songs and her guests from Japan Kotaro Saito and Arata Inoue have brought electric guitar and electric cello and show how they make their music. You can see with your own eyes how the looping and creating music is done layer by layer. We will definitely learn some songs together, which the children are invited to come and sing along to the musicians’ evening barn concert in Viitina!

See you in the cozy Rõuge Public House! The classroom is FREE

The joint concert of musicians Mari Kalkun, Kotaro Saito and Arata Inoue entitled “Mõts/Mori” starts the same evening at 19:00 in Viitina, in the Aigu Om barn.

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Rõuge kunstikuur