Aigu Om! 2024

Japan special

July 18 8.00-02.00


Pähni Forest Day


Aigu Om! Forest Day in Pähni focuses on traditional and modern forest perception in Estonia and Japan.

Yutaka Miura will introduce the Japanese forest and interpret the Estonian forest. Daizaburo Sakamoto shares some practices and ideas of yamabushi - the traditional hermit monk. Japanologist Alari Allik will help to open up this ancient “institution” and Japanese forest culture to a wider audience and gives a lecture “How many lives does one tree have?”. Valdur Mikita will represent the newest Estonian forest thinking and formulate a manifesto of idling. Artist Uku Sepsivart will give an overview of the salt sculpture “Self-portrait with wild animals” installed in the Pähni forest for wild animals, the change of which we have been documenting since the summer of 2023. We will also take the time to put together a sauna whisk, watch a Japanese film on a large outdoor screen, churn some forest honey and listen to taiko drums in the forest megaphones.

All Forest Day events are FREE / NB! Some events require pre-registration!

Forest Morning:

8:00 AM Early morning hermit monk’s forest ceremony - Daizaburo Sakamoto / Alari Allik Pre-registration:

9:00 AM Valdur Mikita: “Forest room for idling”

10:00 AM Morning hike and presentation “From Japanese Forest to Estonian Forest” - Yutaka Miura (JPN) (translation JPN->EE) Pre-registration:

Woodcrafts and afternoon idling

Craft workshop:

1:00 PM Printing block and block printing - wooden printing block carving, printing with printing block. Tõnu Tiirmaa
Bring your own t-shirt, hat, coat etc for making your own merch!

Forest evening

5:00 PM Forest trip: Yutaka Miura, Daizaburo Sakamoto,Muteki Taiko Duo (Taiko drums) Pähni forest, forest megaphones JPN->EE ->ENG (90 min)

6:45 PM Forest talk: Valdur Mikita’s forest idling room II (45 min) EE - Pähni forest hut (outdoor classroom in case of rain)

7:45 PM Forest trip: Yutaka Miura, Daizaburo Sakamoto and Muteki Taiko Duo (Taiko drums) Pähni forest, forest megaphones JPN->EE (90 min)

4:00-10:00 PM Forest fun activities at the Pähni visitor center yard

Forest cafe, block printing, honey churning, sauna whisk

Forest night

9:30 PM Alari Allik’s meditation “On Soul Trees”

10:30 Outdoor cinema Mori - The Artist’s Habitat (99’ 2018)

11:59 PM “Self-portrait with wild animals” Uku Sepsivart - artwork presentation (20 min) followed by a night hike (4.5km 90min)

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