Aigu Om! 2024

Japan special

July 21 14.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

Maimu Jõgeda solo concert (accordion)


Maimu Jõgeda is a young accordionist from Rõuge, whose sound searches travel on the borders of classical, jazz and traditional music, the latter of which is closest to his heart. His sincerely performed music is perfect for enjoying under the trees of Viitina Park and for ending the festival. According to Maimu, the accordion is an extremely versatile instrument, whose beautiful and surprising peculiarities the musician charmingly brings out with his creations and songs inspired by traditional music.

Maimu Jõgeda has lived and studied in the Nordic countries for the past five years, where she graduated from the Sibelius Academy, being the second Estonian to participate in the master’s program Nordic Master in Folk Music. His debut album “Dedication” was released in 2017. A new album inspired by Nordic lore is expected by the beginning of winter 2024. Maimu has been nominated in 2018 and 2020 at the Estonian Traditional Music Awards in the category of best new folk artist and also plays in several international ensembles, including Alterne, Hostikka and MIR Trio.

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