Aigu Om! 2024

Japan special

July 19 22:00-23:00

 Aigu Om küün

Vincent Moon's LIVE-CINEMA

Filmmaker Vincent Moon brings an unprecedented collection of footage from his travels around the world to share with the audience at Aigu Om in a very special format - live cinema!

Vincent Moon is a French filmmaker and documentarian who has been traveling the world for 20 years in search of and capturing both contemporary musicians and ancient, rare rituals. He has filmed musicians in a variety of settings, from stadium concerts to shamanic rituals, from electronic artists to village musicians. The live cinema format means that each film is born in front of the audience’s eyes and is never repeated. This is what you can experience with your own eyes and ears in the Aigu Om barn!

He has been written about by the New York Times and was one of the directors of the successful La Blogothèque Take-Away Show. Since 2009, he has been working mainly on filming material for his Petites Planètes (Little Planet) video collection, traveling the world with a backpack and camera, and now he has finally made it to Estonia on his travels!

Aigu Om festival is thrilled to have Vincent Moon as a guest, and the filmmaker will also be participating in Aigu Om as a documentarian.

The Koogel-Moogel cafe will also be open at the Aigu Om barn during the event.
Before the film, you can join us for the concert starting at 7 pm - Estonian singer and composer Mari Kalkun playing with Japanese musicians.

Vincent Moon’s Instagram

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