Aigu Om! 2024

Japan special

July 20 18.00-21.00

 Aigu Om küün

Epp Margna exhibition “Some important things”


Aigu Om barn concert visitor can also take part in a special exhibition. This is an exhibition of paintings by Võruma artist Epp Margna “Some important things…”

SOME IMPORTANT THINGS… …meanwhile, they are the simplest and most common. They are so self-evident that it is difficult to get rid of them even notice. These are potatoes grown in your garden and hand-knitted woolen socks, made for a cat caresses and linden flower tea, smoke sauna and gold renets… These are the things that make you happy every day stealthily and furtively from the day and always hidden among everything else.

Some important things are such that no hymns have been written about them, nor eulogies have been painted. But it doesn’t make them less important. It just means that you need to take a moment to see them and love to notice.

There are 10 ESSENTIAL THINGS in the pictures of this exhibition. This is a small selection of everything that could have been painted and over time, this series of pictures will be supplemented. Certainly, this choice is a little different from person to person and some the image object can be taken as a symbol representing its own kind. However, they all have one thing in common: they help make us live better.

And potatoes still bind Estonians together. Happy viewing and recognition!

-Epp Margna-

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