Aigu Om! 2024

Japan special

July 19 22:00-23:00

 Aigu Om küün

Vincent Moon's LIVE-CINEMA

Filmmaker Vincent Moon brings an unprecedented collection of footage from his travels around the world to share with the audience at Aigu Om in a very special format - live cinema!

Vincent Moon is a French filmmaker and documentarian who has been traveling the world for 20 years in search of and capturing both contemporary musicians and ancient, rare rituals. He has filmed musicians in a variety of settings, from stadium concerts to shamanic rituals, from electronic artists to village musicians. The live cinema format means that each film is born in front of the audience’s eyes and is never repeated. This is what you can experience with your own eyes and ears in the Aigu Om barn!

He has been written about by the New York Times and was one of the directors of the successful La Blogothèque Take-Away Show. Since 2009, he has been working mainly on filming material for his Petites Planètes (Little Planet) video collection, traveling the world with a backpack and camera, and now he has finally made it to Estonia on his travels!

Aigu Om festival is thrilled to have Vincent Moon as a guest, and the filmmaker will also be participating in Aigu Om as a documentarian.

The Koogel-Moogel cafe will also be open at the Aigu Om barn during the event.
Before the film, you can join us for the concert starting at 7 pm - Estonian singer and composer Mari Kalkun playing with Japanese musicians.

Vincent Moon’s Instagram

July 20 19.00

 Aigu Om Küün

“Mõts/Mori/­Forest” barn concert
+ Muteki Taiko Duo

Mari Kalkun (Estonia), Kotaro Saito (Japan), Arata Inoue (Japan) Two exclusive “Mõts/Mori/Forest” presentation concerts at Aigu Om barn in Võrumaa. Estonian musician and songwriter Mari Kalkun has joined forces with Japanese musicians, electric guitarist Arata Inoue and cellist Kotaro Saito. In the cozy Aigu Om barn, they will meet on stage for two special concerts. The meditative soundscapes of “MÕTS/MORI/FOREST” created in the city vibes of Tokyo and during the residency preceding the festival among the forests of Rõuge will transport the listener to another reality. The flowing and dreamlike sound journeys bring together earth and city, nature and human. In this music lies what is most lacking in today’s world – TIME. The musicians first met in a Tokyo e studio and got to know each other through playing together, with music being the only universally understood language. Over four days in a Musilogue music studio in the Japanese capital, collaborative music was born, creating a sincere and heartfelt bond between the artists. This cross-border collaboration project gives the Estonian traditional instrument kannel a completely new and unique sound and sheds new light on both runic songs and contemporary Estonian poetry. The music is supported by high-quality sound and lighting solutions. Aigu Om! is part of European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme. The Võro saying “aigu om” (there is time) has become a defining theme for both the festival and the music of its founder and director, Mari Kalkun. Her music exudes a sense of slower and a more tranquil pace of life. During the festival, Mari Kalkun, the hostess of the Aigu Om barn, opens the doors of her venue only for these special evenings to offer a unique cultural experience amidst fresh hay. And when musicians from Japan are brought together, it means only one thing - by fusing two distant yet emotionally similar cultural spaces, something truly extraordinary is born!


Mari Kalkun - vocals, kannels, electronics
Arata Inoue (JP) - electric guitar
Kotaro Saito (JP) - cello and electric cello
Taavo Teras - sound engineer
Jaagup Kurm - lighting engineer Piret Parrest - video projections

During the concerts, the barn will host the exhibition “Some important things” by Võrumaa artist Epp Margna. Also on site is the café Koogel Moogel (Marek Demjanov and Piia Konksi), where you can refresh yourself with delights inspired by Aigu Om! Japanese special. The concert is of a rather meditative nature. Trust your intuition when it comes to bringing children along.
NB! Fresh hay is used in the barn. We recommend that hay allergics bring their medication.

Thank you for the support and collaboration:
Tartu 2024, EU Japan-Fest, Musilogue and Ryota Nozaki (Japan), Harmony Fields (Japan), Moon Management, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Rõuge County, Võrumaa Arenduskeskus

Photos: Charles Torres

July 18 8.00-02.00


Pähni Forest Day


Aigu Om! Forest Day in Pähni focuses on traditional and modern forest perception in Estonia and Japan.

Yutaka Miura will introduce the Japanese forest and interpret the Estonian forest. Daizaburo Sakamoto shares some practices and ideas of yamabushi - the traditional hermit monk. Japanologist Alari Allik will help to open up this ancient “institution” and Japanese forest culture to a wider audience and gives a lecture “How many lives does one tree have?”. Valdur Mikita will represent the newest Estonian forest thinking and formulate a manifesto of idling. Artist Uku Sepsivart will give an overview of the salt sculpture “Self-portrait with wild animals” installed in the Pähni forest for wild animals, the change of which we have been documenting since the summer of 2023. We will also take the time to put together a sauna whisk, watch a Japanese film on a large outdoor screen, churn some forest honey and listen to taiko drums in the forest megaphones.

All Forest Day events are FREE / NB! Some events require pre-registration!

Forest Morning:

8:00 AM Early morning hermit monk’s forest ceremony - Daizaburo Sakamoto / Alari Allik Pre-registration:

9:00 AM Valdur Mikita: “Forest room for idling”

10:00 AM Morning hike and presentation “From Japanese Forest to Estonian Forest” - Yutaka Miura (JPN) (translation JPN->EE) Pre-registration:

Woodcrafts and afternoon idling

Craft workshop:

1:00 PM Printing block and block printing - wooden printing block carving, printing with printing block. Tõnu Tiirmaa
Bring your own t-shirt, hat, coat etc for making your own merch!

Forest evening

5:00 PM Forest trip: Yutaka Miura, Daizaburo Sakamoto,Muteki Taiko Duo (Taiko drums) Pähni forest, forest megaphones JPN->EE ->ENG (90 min)

6:45 PM Forest talk: Valdur Mikita’s forest idling room II (45 min) EE - Pähni forest hut (outdoor classroom in case of rain)

7:45 PM Forest trip: Yutaka Miura, Daizaburo Sakamoto and Muteki Taiko Duo (Taiko drums) Pähni forest, forest megaphones JPN->EE (90 min)

4:00-10:00 PM Forest fun activities at the Pähni visitor center yard

Forest cafe, block printing, honey churning, sauna whisk

Forest night

9:30 PM Alari Allik’s meditation “On Soul Trees”

10:30 Outdoor cinema Mori - The Artist’s Habitat (99’ 2018)

11:59 PM “Self-portrait with wild animals” Uku Sepsivart - artwork presentation (20 min) followed by a night hike (4.5km 90min)

July 19 19.00

 Aigu Om küün

"Mõts/Mori/­Forest" barn concert
+ children

Two exclusive “Mõts/Mori/Forest” concerts at Aigu Om barn in Võrumaa.

Mari Kalkun (Estonia), Kotaro Saito (Japan), Arata Inoue (Japan)

Estonian musician and songwriter Mari Kalkun has joined forces with Japanese musicians, electric guitarist Arata Inoue and cellist Kotaro Saito. In the cozy Aigu Om barn, they will meet on stage for two special concerts. The meditative soundscapes were created in the city vibes of Tokyo in Ryota Nozaki’s studio and during the residency preceding the festival among the forests of Rõuge will transport the listener to another reality. The flowing and dreamlike sound journeys bring together earth and city, nature and human. In this music lies what is most lacking in today’s world – TIME.

The musicians first met in Tokyo in Ryota Nozaki’s aka Jazztronik studio and got to know each other through playing together, with music being the only universally understood language. Over four days in a Musilogue music studio in the Japanese capital, collaborative music was born, creating a sincere and heartfelt bond between the artists. This cross-border collaboration project gives the Estonian traditional instrument kannel a completely new and unique sound and sheds new light on both runic songs and contemporary Estonian poetry. The music is supported by high-quality sound and lighting solutions.

Aigu Om! is part of European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme.

The Võro saying “aigu om” (there is time) has become a defining theme for both the festival and the music of its founder and director, Mari Kalkun. Her music exudes a sense of slower and a more tranquil pace of life. During the festival, Mari Kalkun, the hostess of the Aigu Om barn, opens the doors of her venue only for these special evenings to offer a unique cultural experience amidst fresh hay. And when musicians from Japan are brought together, it means only one thing - by fusing two distant yet emotionally similar cultural spaces, something truly extraordinary is born!


Mari Kalkun - vocals, kannels, Arata Inoue (JP) - electric guitar
Kotaro Saito (JP) - cello and electric cello
Taavo Teras - sound engineer
Jaagup Kurm - lighting engineer
Piret Parrest - video projections

During the concerts, the barn will host the exhibition “Some important things” by Võrumaa artist Epp Margna. Also on site is the café Koogel Moogel (Marek Demjanov and Piia Konksi), where you can refresh yourself with delights inspired by Aigu Om! Japanese special. The concert is of a rather meditative nature. Trust your intuition when it comes to bringing children along.

NB! Fresh hay is used in the barn. We recommend that hay allergics bring their medication.

Thank you for the support and collaboration:
Tartu 2024, EU Japan-Fest, Musilogue and Ryota Nozaki (Japan), Harmony Fields (Japan), Moon Management, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Rõuge County, Võrumaa Arenduskeskus

Photos: Charles Torres



Saunavihtade tegemine Eda ja Urmas Veerojaga


Saunavihtade tegemist juhendavad ja saunapärimuse jutte vestavad Eda ja Urmas Veeroja Mooska Suitsusaunatalust. Kõnõldas umah keeleh.

July 18 13:00


Metsameisterdused: Trükipakk ja pakutrükk


Pakutrüki pakkude nikerdamine, juhendab Tõnu Tiirmaa

Pakutrükiga trükkimine. NB! võta kaasa oma naturaalsest materjalist riideese (t-särk, müts, jakk vm) ja loo pakutrüki abil sellele uus väljanägemine!



Lecture: Ancient Sacred Japanese Saké MIKI



Naoko Nakasone’s lecture about about the sacred saké MIKI, that is offered to the Gods by Japanese people. The ladies on the photo, on the left and right, are the people who used to make sacred saké MIKI on Miyako Island, and Naoko learned from them how to make it. These women have mysterious abilities, such as being able to hear the voice of God/Kami.

You can find out more about Naoko Nakasone’s journey of rejuvenating spirit food here in Kyoto Journal

July 18 22.30


Outdoor cinema: “Mori, The Artist's Habitat”


Drama depicting the final years of painter Kumagai Morikazu, who rarely left home and spent his time studying the creatures in his garden. Directed by Okita Shuichi of A Story of Yonosuke and The Mohican Comes Home. Vegetation thrives in painter Morikazu’s (Yamazaki Tsutomu) garden, which is home to creatures that serve as models for his paintings, including numerous bugs and cats. A sweet and heartwarming day begins for Morikazu, who gazed at these garden creatures on a daily basis for over three decades, and those who love him.

Film is in Japanese, with English and Estonian subtitles.

 Rõuge Ööbikuorg

Rõuge ancient day


This year, Fairytale Day will be held at the same time as Open Farm Day - on July 20. After all, Rõuge ancient farm is the oldest farm in Estonia, which is over a thousand years old. You can come and see what was done on a daily basis in an Iron Age farm. The activities start already at 10 in the morning, when fire is brought down to Rauataat to retrieve a piece of iron from the swamp ore. At the same time, there is an opportunity to try how fabric was woven on hanging axes in the olden days. The more daring by nature can try throwing a double-edged ax. Younger ones, however, can practice their hand at throwing a quad knife. At noon, you can take a guided tour of the farm and the city hill to find out what the people of Rõuge did on a daily basis.

At the same time, an ancient dish is simmering in the vat, and if the smells coming from it make you want to taste it, then this possibility exists. And you won’t be left thirsty either. When the body is already full of lunch and the sun is caressing the southwest, you can drink mead, which was the most consumed fermented drink in our area. There is an opportunity to listen to how a mead is made and how the honey used as its raw material was obtained. And if something should pass through your mouth with a big appetite and thirst, the laundresses will show you how clothes were washed in ancient times.

Korraldaja Rõuge muinastalu

July 17 13.30-16.30


Handcrafted Stoneware Teacup Workshop Chawan

Handcrafted Stoneware Teacup (Chawan) Workshop

What is a chawan?

A chawan is a teacup used in Japanese tea ceremonies, known for its simple yet elegant design. Each chawan is unique and bears the maker’s hand, transforming each cup into a personal work of art. Our workshop focuses on handcrafting these special teacups without a potter’s wheel, using traditional techniques.

Instructor: Eeva Relli-Meldre

“I’ve been working with ceramics for about 4 years and am currently in the process of obtaining my ceramist’s qualification. From the very beginning, I’ve been fascinated by Japanese ceramics with their simple elegance. You can see my work at Instagram

Price: 15€ (includes instruction, materials, and subsequent firing and glazing!). Payment on site in cash. Pre-registration:

Each participant will create their own teacup in the workshop. Teacups can be picked up later from an agreed-upon location!

Duration: 1-1.5 hours

July 20 12.00-14.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

SUP board workshop (for kids)


Sup board workshop for children on the beach of Viitina manor, conducted by Roosisaare Surfiklubi.

July 20 00.00-00.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

Viitina flat adventure park


Viitina low adventure park is located in Viitina manor park and is a great place for children to climb and challenge themselves. Open 24/7 and free.

July 19 10.00-12.00


Kalkuni talu, Haki küla, Rõuge vald

Reet Kandimaa open jewelry studio


Opportunity to visit the jewelry workshop of silversmith and jewelry maker Reet Kandimaa, located 2 kilometres from Viitina. Learn about the jewelry making process, techniques and work. Opportunity to see and purchase existing jewelry.


July 20 17.00-20.00

 Viitina Järvesaar

Viitina laululava Viitina, 66711 Võru maakond

Simman! Int&Müller


Viitina Järvesaare Stage: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM A village-style dance-party with traditional accordion music by mood-boosting and foot-tapping accordion players Int&Müller

Asso Int and Martin Müller are two good friends and even better accordionists whose passion is to delight people with lively and folk music. The men’s repertoire includes both well-known and unknown songs from bygone eras, as well as stories learned from both of the musicians’ grandmothers.

In 2022, the musicians released their debut album, titled “Uus paat” (New Boat), with lyrics by Valter Ojakäär and Debora Vaarandi. Asso and Martin have been playing this song since the early days of their music-making together.

Organizer: Viitina Jahiselts NGO

July 21 12.00-15.00

 Viitina AnitiW Galerii

Tallimehe, Viitina, 66711 Võru maakond

Tsüanotüüpia printing workshop


Print workshop led by AnitiW Gallery in Viitina, Viitina manor park. The activity does not ask for age, free, but please register in Fienta.

July 20 12.00-15.00

 Viitina AnitiW Galerii

Tallimehe, Viitina, 66711 Võru maakond

Painting workshop

Painting workshop led by AnitiW Gallery in Viitina, Viitina manor park. The activity does not ask for age, free, but please register in Fienta.

July 19 17.00

 Viitina AnitiW Galerii

Tallimehe, Viitina, 66711 Võru maakond

Opening of Mirjam Hinn's exhibition


OPENING of Mirjam Hinn’s new exhibition “Suur valgus and twilight shadows” and the installation “Tuule kiri” in Anitiw Gallery in Viitina. The exhibition is open from 19.07.-11.08.2024.

July 20 18.00-21.00

 Aigu Om küün

Epp Margna exhibition “Some important things”


Aigu Om barn concert visitor can also take part in a special exhibition. This is an exhibition of paintings by Võruma artist Epp Margna “Some important things…”

SOME IMPORTANT THINGS… …meanwhile, they are the simplest and most common. They are so self-evident that it is difficult to get rid of them even notice. These are potatoes grown in your garden and hand-knitted woolen socks, made for a cat caresses and linden flower tea, smoke sauna and gold renets… These are the things that make you happy every day stealthily and furtively from the day and always hidden among everything else.

Some important things are such that no hymns have been written about them, nor eulogies have been painted. But it doesn’t make them less important. It just means that you need to take a moment to see them and love to notice.

There are 10 ESSENTIAL THINGS in the pictures of this exhibition. This is a small selection of everything that could have been painted and over time, this series of pictures will be supplemented. Certainly, this choice is a little different from person to person and some the image object can be taken as a symbol representing its own kind. However, they all have one thing in common: they help make us live better.

And potatoes still bind Estonians together. Happy viewing and recognition!

-Epp Margna-

July 19 18.00-00.00

 Aigu Om küün

Epp Margna exhibition “Some important things”


Aigu Om barn concert visitor can also take part in a special exhibition. This is an exhibition of paintings by Võruma artist Epp Margna “Some important things…”

SOME IMPORTANT THINGS… …meanwhile, they are the simplest and most common. They are so self-evident that it is difficult to get rid of them even notice. These are potatoes grown in your garden and hand-knitted woolen socks, made for a cat caresses and linden flower tea, smoke sauna and gold renets… These are the things that make you happy every day stealthily and furtively from the day and always hidden among everything else.

Some important things are such that no hymns have been written about them, nor eulogies have been painted. But it doesn’t make them less important. It just means that you need to take a moment to see them and love to notice.

There are 10 ESSENTIAL THINGS in the pictures of this exhibition. This is a small selection of everything that could have been painted and over time, this series of pictures will be supplemented. Certainly, this choice is a little different from person to person and some the image object can be taken as a symbol representing its own kind. However, they all have one thing in common: they help make us live better.

And potatoes still bind Estonians together. Happy viewing and recognition!

-Epp Margna-

July 16 19.00


Ööbikuoru 4 hoov, Rõuge vallavalitsuse juures

Village University: Lauri Kitsnik - Time like Japan


Lauri Kitsnik, a film historian and researcher of Japanese film, will speak about time in the Japanese way at the Village University. The event is part of the series of lectures of the Village University and included in the side program of Aigu Om.

Korraldaja Külaülikool


The home cafes of Viitina


The home cafes of Viitina district are open throughout the day! Waiting for you:

Pop-up cafe Wurajad and “Youth in the kitchen” at Viitina Manor July 20, 10:00-18:00 July 21, 9:00-15:00 Location Link

“Vanaisa’s” home cafe in Viitinas Open 11.00-18.00 Location Link

“Muduri musid” home cafe in Muduri Open: 11.00-18.00 Contact: tel. 5365 2878 Location: Location Link More details on FB

Pardisoo farm home cafe in Viitinas Open 11.00-18.00 Contact: 5596 7640 Location Link

Map of home cafes

July 20 15.00-16.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

Japanese taiko drums workshop


Japanese taiko drums start to rumble under the trees of Viitina Park! Come and take advantage of the unique opportunity to try this art for yourself and make a proper drum beat worthy of Japan under the guidance of Estonian percussion virtuoso Hele-Riin Uib-Pachel and Muteki Taiko Duo.

July 20 11-20

 Viitina Järvesaar

The legendary fishing competition Viitina Kuurits


The legendary fishing competition Viitina Kuurits is a unique opportunity to see teams fishing with the archaic fishing tool called kuurits.

The event carries both old traditions and the goal of cleaning up the waterfront, and has also brought the community together for 27 years. Nearly twenty teams, often dressed in costumes, take part in the fishing competition, and an entertaining cultural program takes place on the shores of the lake. Viitina Kuurits is one of the events with the longest history in the region.

Day plan

11.30-12.30 Registration, taking pictures of the teams.
12.30-13.30 Viitina Kuurits OPENING – lineup of teams, inspection of fishing equipment and costumes, photo taking, anthem and Paganamaa Brass ensemble!
14.00-15.00 Fishing competition with the traditional fishing net kuurits
Fish weighing.
15.30-17.00 Award ceremony of Kuurits, music will be performed by Viru-Nigula Men

11.00-12.00 Which exciting aquatic animals and aquatic insects can be found in Lake VIitina, Henn Timm will help you find the answer. Suitable for children!

11.45-13.15 Which crayfish live in our waters and in other parts of the world, how are crayfish doing in Estonia? How is crayfish caught and what is important to know about it? Margo Hurt talks about crayfish and shows a thing or two.

17.00-20.00 Dance party! (simmann)
Traditional Teppo accordion players Int&Müller keep the mood and spin the dancing feet. True village party will unroll here.

Eating: During the whole day, home cafes of Viitina region are open, in addition there are eating possibilities to be found at Viitina Kuurits Järvesaar Stage and village center by the manor.

Viitina Kuurits Facebook page
Organizer: Viitina Jahiselts NGO

July 20 11.30-12.30

 Viitina mõis ja park

Following in the footsteps of Viitina's lady of the manor


Kaarel Piirimäe, a historian and summer resident of the Viitina area, talks about the controversial lady of the manor, Barbara Juliane von Krüdener.

July 20 11.00-15.00

 Rõuge Kunstikuur

Copper bracelet making workshop for adults

Workshop for adults, where you will learn the basic tricks of making a bracelet and you can make a stamped copper bracelet with silversmith Reet Kandimaa. Lasted 4 hours. Participation fee 25 euros (includes instruction, materials and necessary tools). Please register in advance by writing to

July 21 11.15


Liivaku, Viitina, 66711 Võru maakond

A walk in Asta's garden


Walk in Asta’s garden in Viitina. Her garden has been awarded with Estonian President’s beautiful gardens recognition.

July 21 12.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

Aigar Pindmaa - “ Work and relax, then comes the love"


Under the shady trees of Viitina Park, we sit down to relax together with Aigar Pindmaa, the entrepreneur and owner of the Kubija nature spa. Aigar is also known for his good knowledge of the Võro ​​language and his announcements in the newspaper Uma Leht, so Aigar shares his thoughts about life, time and love in his soft and genuine Võro ​​language.

July 21 10-14

 Viitina mõis ja park

Pancake morning

What would a Sunday morning be without pancakes? Probably not a typical Sunday morning at all.

July 21 10.00-11.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

Qigong morning exercise


Start the last day of the festival - Aigu Om idling day - with nice morning streches and moves by the lake Viitina. Qigong trainer Kreet Rosin-Pindmaa will show you how!

July 19 14.00-16.00

 Viitina AnitiW Galerii

Cyanotype or blue print workshop

Art workshop led by artist Kadri Toom. Cyanotype iron-blue printing is a photographic process where an image is developed on paper with the cooperation of iron-containing chemicals and ultraviolet light. The result is an image with white lines on a blue background. Register your interest in Fienta

July 19 12.00-17.00

 Rõuge Kunstikuur

Handicraft workshops for everyone interested


12.00-14.00 OFFER PRINTING for fabric, instructor Lya Veski, Annika Kevvai. Bring your own fabric, T-shirt, bag or beanie that you want to print on. Fabrics are also available. / participation fee 5 eur

13.00 ORIGAMI workshop - Shion Yokoo

14.00-16.00 COPPER PENDANT/EARRING making workshop - instructor silversmith Reet Kandimaa / participation fee 5 eur

Eating: The cafe of the Art Shed is open every day.

July 17 18.30


Traditional Smoke Sauna Ceremony (ENG)

The smoke sauna has been a sacred place for Estonians, where besides bathing, the soul is also cleansed and healed. The traditional smoke sauna ceremony delves deeper than everyday sauna visits - each ritual has its significance, every action is meaningful. In the smoke sauna, purification and creation take place, making it a special and life-changing experience.

💧 Hundiallika smoke sauna ceremonies are alcohol-free.

🕐 Duration approximately 3 hours.

🎫 Participation fee of 10 euros includes lunch.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The ceremony is suitable for families.

🦽 Limited wheelchair access.

📧 Additional information:

July 17 14.00


Traditional Herbal Therapy Workshop (ENG)

Traditional herbal therapy workshop begins with a guided tour of the herb garden, where we can admire the summer blooms and experience natural aromatherapy. Following this, there will be a brief informative lecture on the principles of herbal therapy through traditional medicine, followed by the exciting making of a soothing balm together. Each participant will receive a balm to take home.

🕐 Duration approximately 3 hours.

🥗 Participation fee of 20 euros includes dinner.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Workshop is suitable for families.

🦽 Limited wheelchair accessibility.

📧 Additional information:

July 17 17.00


Japanese Food Workshop: Nukazuke

Bran acidification (Nukazuke) is an ingenious and simple acidification method that originated in Japan. During the workshop, the participant can make a pickling cradle or - box (Nukadoko) in which to pick up root and leafy fruits in the future.

The workshop will be conducted by Hikari Tanaka and Boris Meldre.

July 17 15.00


Japanese Food Workshop: Okonomiyaki

Okonomiyaki (お好宜焼き) is one of Japan’s most popular street foods - a cabbage pancake with a variety of tasty toppings. Let’s enjoy making and eating okonomiyaki together!

The workshop will be conducted by Hikari Tanaka and Boris Meldre.

July 16 18.30


The traditional smoke sauna ceremony

The smoke sauna has been a sanctuary for Estonians, where, in addition to washing, the soul was cleansed and treated. The traditional smoke sauna ceremony goes deeper than everyday sauna visits - each steam session has its own meaning, each activity meaningful. Cleansing and creating in a smoke sauna, it can be a special and life-changing experience.

💧 Hundialki smoke sauna ceremonies are alcohol-free.

🕐 Lasted about 3 hours.

🎫 Participation fee of 20 euros includes lunch.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The ceremony is also suitable for families.

🦽 Wheelchair access is limited

📧 Additional information:

July 16 16.30


A traditional sauna trip with forest meditation

Guided traditional sauna session in the Hõbesaare smoke sauna that invigorates the body and soul. The sauna is preceded by a preparatory and calming forest meditation accompanied by the sounds of a small kanle. The participant can also prepare a personal summer sauna hat, which can be used to create health and good progress in the sauna in the future.

🕐 Duration approx. 4 hours.

🧖‍♀️ The sauna is run by Kairi Sakla, who has been on the sauna woman’s journey since 2017.

💧 The sauna is alcohol-free

July 16 14.00


A traditional herbal treatment

The traditional herbal therapy workshop begins with a tour of the medicinal plant garden, where you can explore the summer blooms and take part in natural aromatherapy. Then there will be a short overview lecture on the principles of herbal treatment through traditional medicine and making an exciting scratch ointment together. Each participant will also receive an ointment to take home.

It lasted about 3 hours. The participation fee of 20 euros includes dinner. The workshop is suitable for families. Wheelchair access is limited Additional information:

July 15 18.30


Smoke sauna ceremony

The smoke sauna has been a sanctuary for Estonians, where, in addition to washing, the soul was cleansed and treated. The traditional smoke sauna ceremony goes deeper than everyday sauna visits - each steam session has its own meaning, each activity meaningful. Cleansing and creating in a smoke sauna, it can be a special and life-changing experience.

💧 Hundialki smoke sauna ceremonies are alcohol-free.

🕐 Lasted about 3 hours.

🎫 Participation fee of 20 euros includes lunch.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The ceremony is also suitable for families.

🦽 Wheelchair access is limited

📧 Additional information:

July 15 16.30


A traditional sauna session with forest meditation

Invigorating the body and soul, a guided traditional sauna session in Hõbesaare’s smoke sauna. The sauna is preceded by a preparatory and calming forest meditation accompanied by the sounds of a small kanle. The participant can also prepare a personal summer sauna hat, which can be used to create health and good progress in the sauna in the future.

🕐 Duration approx. 4 hours.

🧖‍♀️ The sauna is run by Kairi Sakla, who has been on the sauna woman’s journey since 2017.

💧 The sauna is alcohol-free.

July 15 14.00


A traditional herbal treatment

The traditional herbal therapy workshop begins with a tour of the medicinal plant garden, where you can explore the summer blooms and take part in natural aromatherapy. Then there will be a short overview lecture on the principles of herbal treatment through traditional medicine and making an exciting scratch ointment together. Each participant will also receive an ointment to take home.

It lasted about 3 hours. The participation fee of 20 euros includes dinner. The workshop is suitable for families. Wheelchair access is limited Additional information:

July 16 11.00


Creation of a food garden and natural medicinal plant garden to restore species richness

Food trays are a way to create a food forest in your home. In the case of food gardens, natural communities are imitated by designing them according to one’s wishes. General natural gardening goes hand in hand with the food grove - both for your own benefit and for the creation of greater species richness. The workshop focuses on explaining the principles of creating a food grove as well as a natural (medicinal) garden. During the workshop, a small sample medicinal plant bed will be prepared.

🕐 Lasted about 2 hours.

🥗 Participation fee of 10 euros includes lunch.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The workshop is suitable for families.

🦽 Wheelchair access is limited

📧 Additional information:

July 15 11.00


Creation of a food garden and natural medicinal plant garden to restore species richness

Food trays are a way to create a food forest in your home. In the case of food gardens, natural communities are imitated by designing them according to one’s wishes. General natural gardening goes hand in hand with the food grove - both for your own benefit and for the creation of greater species richness. The workshop focuses on explaining the principles of creating a food grove as well as a natural (medicinal) garden. During the workshop, a small sample medicinal plant bed will be prepared.

🕐 Lasted about 2 hours.

🥗 Participation fee of 10 euros includes lunch.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The workshop is suitable for families.

🦽 Wheelchair access is limited

📧 Additional information:

July 18 21.30–22.30


Alari Allik "Trees of the soul".


How Many Lives Do Trees Have? Trees in Japanese and Estonian folktales

Famous haiku poet Matsuo Bashō (1644-94) has written a slightly sad poem: gazing at the sawn / end of a freshly felled tree / Tonight’s harvest moon. The image of the freshly felled ancient tree might not seem so tragic when we think about how it will live on in various objects made from its beautiful trunk. Patterns in wood grain can lend their beauty to elegant musical instruments and go-boards. When a skilled musician plays a song or go-master hits the table with a stone, its spirit is resurrected under the bright moonlight. In this lecture I will discuss various Japanese end Estonian folktales and stories which talk about how the life of the tree might carry on throughout its various metamorphoses.

Alari Allik (PhD) is the Associate Professor of Japanese Studies. He has studied in Tōkyō and Ōsaka and teaches courses on Japanese literature, religion and philosophy. His research deals with biographical and autobiographical writings and the ways the identity of the authors was constructed in Medieval Japan. Alari Allik has also translated and commented on classical Japanese literature. His translations of Saigyō’s “Mountain Home” (Sankashū) and Sei Shōnagon’s “Pillow Book” have been published by Tallinn University Press.

July 21 14.00

 Viitina mõis ja park

Maimu Jõgeda solo concert (accordion)


Maimu Jõgeda is a young accordionist from Rõuge, whose sound searches travel on the borders of classical, jazz and traditional music, the latter of which is closest to his heart. His sincerely performed music is perfect for enjoying under the trees of Viitina Park and for ending the festival. According to Maimu, the accordion is an extremely versatile instrument, whose beautiful and surprising peculiarities the musician charmingly brings out with his creations and songs inspired by traditional music.

Maimu Jõgeda has lived and studied in the Nordic countries for the past five years, where she graduated from the Sibelius Academy, being the second Estonian to participate in the master’s program Nordic Master in Folk Music. His debut album “Dedication” was released in 2017. A new album inspired by Nordic lore is expected by the beginning of winter 2024. Maimu has been nominated in 2018 and 2020 at the Estonian Traditional Music Awards in the category of best new folk artist and also plays in several international ensembles, including Alterne, Hostikka and MIR Trio.

July 19 11.00-12.00

 Rõuge Kunstikuur

Music workshop/concert for children


In the music workshop, Mari Kalkun shares her songs and her guests from Japan Kotaro Saito and Arata Inoue have brought electric guitar and electric cello and show how they make their music. You can see with your own eyes how the looping and creating music is done layer by layer. We will definitely learn some songs together, which the children are invited to come and sing along to the musicians’ evening barn concert in Viitina!

See you in the cozy Rõuge Public House! The classroom is FREE

The joint concert of musicians Mari Kalkun, Kotaro Saito and Arata Inoue entitled “Mõts/Mori” starts the same evening at 19:00 in Viitina, in the Aigu Om barn.

July 17 13.00


Japanese food workshop: Bento box

Bento (弁当) is a popular Japanese take-out meal where seasonal ingredients are beautifully packaged. In the workshop we will discover Japanese bento culture and make our own bento together! 🧑‍🍳 The workshop will be conducted by Hikari Tanaka and Boris Meldre.

👩‍👦 The workshop is also suitable for children!

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Rõuge kunstikuur